SITS - Scope for IT Services
SITS stands for Scope for IT Services
Here you will find, what does SITS stand for in IT under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Scope for IT Services? Scope for IT Services can be abbreviated as SITS What does SITS stand for? SITS stands for Scope for IT Services. What does Scope for IT Services mean?The IT company falls under information technology and services category and is located in Beirut, Beyrouth.
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Alternative definitions of SITS
- Strategic Information Technology Services
- Southern Indiana Transit System
- Soccer In The Streets
- sage intercept target simulation,
- single integrated telecommunications system,
- S IT Solutions
- Sword IT Solutions
- Switch IT Solutions
View 40 other definitions of SITS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SFCCC San Francisco Community Clinic Consortium
- SAHS St Anthony High School
- SAS Smart Age Solutions
- SSCC Stanford Sierra Conference Center
- SC The Stahl Companies
- STAVL Swedish Trading Audio Visual Limited
- SC The Sterling Choice
- SBS Southampton Business School
- SSI Sutter Securities Incorporated
- SWT Somerset Wildlife Trust
- SAG Sun Auto Group
- SEI Sun Electric Inc.
- SEIPL Schneider Electric India Private Limited
- SJCG San Joaquin Council of Governments
- SSRSC South Shore Rehab and Skilled Care
- STP Service Team of Professionals
- SRCS Santa Rosa County Sheriff
- STF Saxons Training Facilities
- SIC Staple Inn Chambers
- SJHM Saint James Hospital Malta